Monday, August 6, 2012

Favorite Summer Memories

I wish I could say my favorite summer memories were from the year my parents forced me to go to a resort that, weirdly, employed professional ballroom dancers, and I fell in love with the bad-boy dance instructor, then impressed my parents at the end of the month with a super-special ballroom routine. Or... it was the summer after I'd just graduated high school, and I spent it driving around in a car with my buds, drag racing Harrison Ford, trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, and chasing an elusive blonde. Memories!

Honestly, nothing has ever happened to me (yet) during the summer. I spent most of my childhood summers reading and maybe taking one or two art classes. Not that that wasn't great! It just doesn't make for a very exciting story. I think my best summer reading was when I found my mom's huge stack of Glenna Finley and Emilie Loring romances (I counted once--there were 108) and burned my way through them. Spoiler alert: they all had the same plot.

Oh, and one summer when I was fourteen I was in a production of Grease.

Off-topic question: what's your favorite movie about summer?

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